“Ruskie Stoal” means Russian table
“Ruskie Stoal” means( Russian table), and that is what me and the guys had tonight after our prayer and worship night. (DISCLAIMER: WE DON'T EAT LIKE THIS EVERY NIGHT) First we will talk about the Ruskie Stoal ( Russian Table) and the food for the physical body. The center piece was a nice flat fish, (and I mean flat, like you know 18 wheeler tire ran over flat) that is called Zabrie, and it has been Kapchornized (smoked). Astarowsna apasna koste (be careful dangerous bones!!) Then you will notice a nice bowl of chessnook, no not a place where you play chess but (garlic). Chessnook is good to eat with each bite of Kapchornie Reba (smoked fish). Also we had (see photo)Tavork which is a solid block of (cottage cheese) but much better tasting. Tavork is like cottage cheese on steroids. The Banka (jar) you see is Smaroadnaya ( currant jam) yum yum!!! (yum yum!!!)
And let’s not forget the Krooglie Belly Haaleb (round white bread)with a stakanchik(glass) of Moloko (milk). Also we had two types of Kalbassa, Kalbassa without Salla, and Kalbassa with Salla (baloney with and without fat.) Hey its winter and we need as much fat as we can get!!! But we shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Now about the prayer and worship meeting. Every Friday we gather for worship and prayer, we usually do 5 to 6 worship songs and then have corporate prayer then the men and the women pray in groups. But tonight we never made it past worship and it was a beautiful time with prayers of thanks giving. It was wonderful, as tonight we remembered our first love, and what He means to us. I am so thankful that it is His church and that He loves it and looks after it. Spakoynanoche!! (Have a peaceful night) Cbogim ( God Bless) Дин (dean)