Friday, September 21, 2007
Trip to Europe
Dear friends and family, I want to share the wonderful blessing of the Lord that I’ve received this August and may the Lord encourage you through this and speak to your hearts.
Every August for the last 4 years, I was attending conference in
As I was leaving, I told the Lord that I give up and I do not care if I lose my ticket, because I have no desire to fight for this little sticker in my passport called visa. Then there was a still small voice telling me gently: “Do not worry about this and do not give up, I will take care of everything.” And the most wonderful peace entered my heart.
I can tell you it was the easiest getting of my visa and I did not do anything for it. The Lord helped me through Dean, who got hold of ambassador and also took my invitation to the embassy. What a blessing to have a pastor like that:-)! This was only a prelude.
On my way to the conference.
When I came to
Well, I believe it was in the morning of my departure to Millstatt, I was talking to the Lord saying that it is ok with me if I will not be able to talk to anyone, I’ll just sit and listen, and I will not sing, but if I cannot sing how will I praise You!!!? It was my question to the Lord and He instantly gave me an answer…the sore throat was gone right that moment. Hallelujah!!! …This is just a beginning.
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
On my train ride I’ve noticed a small group of Americans and I guessed that all of us are going to the same station. Later, already at the Castle, I was able to get better acquaintance with Steve and his wife Anita; they came from
After an evening session, I got to talk to Anita and we prayed together. I had a personal request and I really desired to hear from the Lord about this matter at the conference, because it was an important matter for me that I’ve been praying for the last 4 years and it was not clear to me whether I should continue to pray and to wait or just to let go. Anita gave me verses from 2nd Chronicles 20 and I read them, trying to understand if there was something that would speak to my heart, but nothing really clicked at the moment, besides that she pointed out how king Jehoshaphat put Levites to the front lines of the army that they would praise the Lord. Well this I could do! The Lord gave me my voice back and now I could worship Him aloud and it was the most beautiful time of worship I’ve experienced in a long time.
During the conference we had women’s sessions and this time they were on prayer. First, we had a teaching and then we would break in to groups for a discussion and a prayer time, we’ve also received a little study outline which we were to read before each session and to do some home work.
One of the studies was called “Keep it real!” and the passage we were to read that day was in 2nd Chronicles 20!!! Well this time the passage really got my attention, because when the Lord speak twice it means …pay attention!!! I was literally taking every word in, this chapter started to make perfect sense to me, and now I could understand what the Lord is saying to me. When King Jehoshaphat faced a challenge, he was afraid and he set himself on seeking the Lord. And as he prayed he reminded to himself and to God too of His power and His wonderful deeds, of His promises and His will. The answer to this honest and humble prayer came right away and the Lord said not to be afraid, but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Jehoshaphat in response bowed and worshiped the Lord. The next day the Lord gave His people and the king His victory as they were worshiping Him they saw how the Lord is fighting for them. I think it is so important that Jehoshaphat not only received the answer from the Lord, but he also believed it and acted upon it and gave Him praise. It is such a beautiful picture of the way our relationship with the Lord should be. Because sometimes I can ask for something and God gives me an answer and I might receive it, but then my mind begins to think…and I refuse to believe it, to “walk by faith and not by sight”. Or maybe I received and believed what the Lord said but then do not act upon it, because I am still afraid of … whatever; either I had a bad experience before, or because it might hurt or it costs me something … and I do not praise Him as a result.
Later during the worship time Dave Sylvester, who was leading it, prayed, “Lord, as you told King Jehoshaphat to stand still and to see the salvation of the Lord….”
I think the Lord REALY wanted me to pay attention to what He told King Jehoshaphat:-) wouldn’t you agree?
Besides this absolutely wonderful blessing of hearing the Lord’s voice and an answer to my prayer, He also blessed me with beautiful time of fellowship with my friends that I’ve known for a while and with those I just met.
Back in Vienna.
Djudji whom I met at this conference for the first time has truly blessed me by inviting me to stay with her family in
On Sunday, we visited Calvary Vienna. Before the service there was a reading of Psalm 34, it is one of my favorites and I love the verse 8: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”
It was a nice service and it was good to see friends, to have mission’s conference reunion and also to meet some new people. One girl came up to greet me and asked where I was from, as soon as she found out she begun to speak Russian. The girl’s name was Nurzy and she came from
On Monday, Djudji invited Nurzy and some other girls for a prayer meeting, but only Nurzy made it and we ended up having time of sharing, fellowship, encouragement and prayer. First Djudji wanted to share a verse with us and it was from Psalm 34 verse 8: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”, it is so interesting, but hearing it again made me to realize that it ties together with “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” from 2nd Chronicles 20. It was another blessing for me – to see the Lord opening His Word to me and speaking to my heart.
Nurzy shared her testimony with us. I had no idea that she is just a baby Christian; she received Jesus a little over two months ago. She told us that back in
Serbian church.
I had no idea that
So, this trip for me was unlike any other trip and I am very thankful to the Lord for everything He did during this time and for His many blessings. I am yet to see His answer to be unfolded before my eyes, but that will be another story:-)
I hope you got to the end of this entry. I know it was long, but as I said in the very beginning, my hope is that the Lord will speak to your hearts and bless you with an encouragement. God bless you all! Natasha
Posted by
CC Sokol
4:01 PM
Another prayer request.
Raisa sent me several pages of her contemplations on this subject and she wants to know what I think. We begun a conversation while at Mira’s home, but did not finish it for the lack of time. I am not sure if Raisa really wants to know the truth or she is just truing to convert others in to her way of thinking. From the letter she addressed to me personally I begun to think the second. But the Lord knows and He put on my heart to take time and answer, I just really need His wisdom for that. Please pray for the answer I’ll write and for Raisa’s heart to be softened and to receive the truth and the freedom from the bondage of sin she’s been carrying all these years. Thank you! Natasha
Posted by
CC Sokol
1:15 PM