Nikolay Golovkov 12/21/1958 to 3/1/2010
Nikolay Golovkov 12/21/1958 to 3/1/2010
If ever there was a student that typified the ministry of Spiritual Freedom it was Nikolay Golovkov and this is his story..........
If ever there was a student that typified the ministry of Spiritual Freedom it was Nikolay Golovkov and this is his story..........

some time in the early 90’s Nikolay Golovkov was convicted of murder and was sitting on death row in the famous 300+ year old Butirka prison here in Moscow. Nikolay lived in the Urals, in eastern Russia, where he was arrested. He was transferred to Moscow because he appealed to the Supreme Court regarding his case. According to Nikolay, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. One night he was arrested for a murder that took place in a park where Nikolay was found hopelessly drunk. The police arrested him, and because he was an ex felon, they thought they had their man. Nikolay’s appeal was rejected and there he sat on death row waiting for his execution, a bullet to the back of the head. In 1993 then the director and founder of SFR Phil Wagner, and the Alexy Tikhonov our current director were given miraculous permission to visit men on death row. It was there that sitting in death row cell #70 that Nikolay first heard the Good News and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God kept Nikolay from being executed so that he could hear the Good News of the gospel of His Son Jesus Christ. Here is a sample of the many letters received by Nikolay over the last 17 years.
“ Good morning, afternoon, or evening in our Lord Jesus Christ my dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Grace, peace, and mercy to you my beloved, from our God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ our merciful and faithful High Priest! Blessed is the Lord God, who never leaves us without His mercy and truth. I thank our Father in Heaven for our brothers and sisters from Spiritual freedom. Bringing to us the Word of Life, our daily bread. With all the depth of my heart I am thanking our dear Lord God for you.
Your brother Nikolay. 05/19/04 Mordovia .
In 2000 the death penalty was lifted and all who where on death row were given life sentences. But Nikolay had already received a pardon from heaven above! Later Nikolay would tell Alexy that even though he was imprisoned falsely, he knew that is where God wanted him to be so that he could know His Son Jesus Christ. Nikolay said that if he would have been free, his life would have ended in destruction. According to Alexy, Nikolay was very zealous about Jesus Christ. He did every course, and then began to write commentaries on the Bible studies. Nikolay had a reputation for not allowing any conversation that was contrary to the Word of God. Once, two things happened, when men were cell mates with Nikolay, they either became members of the family of God , or they begged to be moved to another cell. Nikolay would not back down when it came to the truth of God’s Word, even if that meant going toe to toe with orthodox priests. This simple man grew in his knowledge of the Bible. Nikolay knew how to defend the Word against false teaching that might work its way towards him. We will never know how many inmates and guards were influenced by this disciple of Christ. God kept Nikolay miraculously alive for many years. Nikolay suffered from the effects of TB and was missing one lung and the other was deteriorating but God kept him alive for 17 more years. Pictured is a photo in a frame that Nikolay made and presented it to Phil and Alexy. Notice the very intricate design done all by hand. Nikolay, as far as we know, was an orphan, but this we do know - he is part of the eternal family of God and all we who are in Christ will meet our brother one of these days.
Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life..."
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