Today Natasha and I had the privilege to join with Jews for Jews as they celebrated the Passover. Mira, who works with JFJ. (If you have followed the Blog you know about her) the JFJ take full advantage of every Jewish feast to invite believing Jews and non believing Jews who have not received their Messiah. Moscow has a large Jewish population, and it has been said that 1 out of 5 Jews speaks Russian. The Celebration of the Passover is an amazing Celebration that has been celebrated for 3500 years as God delivered the children of Israel out of bondage under the Pharaoh in Egypt. This is an amazing fact that until this day the Jews have observed the Passover especially in light of the amount of times the Jews have suffered circumstances that have caused them many times through their history to be scattered throughout the world. But yet to this day the Passover is kept. The Jewish nation is a Testimony to the inerrancy of the Bible. If you want to know what is going to happen to the nation of Israel just read the Bible, and you will find who it will be that brings the long awaited peace to that nation. He is known in the Bible as the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
Hello everyone, all is well here as spring is actually knocking on our door, and let me tell you the entire city rejoices at the absence of snow. It has been the shortest winter I believe record here. Today we had a great service in our temporary hall as we have not found a permanent place. But a perfect peace rules in our heart as we know that the Lord loves His church. Yesterday I had the privilege at teaching at CC Toshino, as pastor Chris and Sasha are in the states visiting friends and relatives. At our 24 hour prayer a couple of weeks ago had a good group with even two (almost) teenagers Dima and Sveta, and their teenage sister Veronica. It was a sweet time at our favorite retreat center. Please pray for Sasha, he is the one lying down on the bed, he is undergoing and operation I believe tomorrow. Sasha whom I mentioned in an earlier email has tuberculosis of the spine. The doctors will be operating to remove the infected area that is affecting his nervous system. Dr. Tom pictured next to him has been sharing with him about the Lord. Tom himself just underwent surgery on his lung as the doctors removed a growth. Tom has been sent home for 6 weeks and will return to have hip replacement surgery. Vova our worship leader and my roommate just left tonight on the train for his home town Tombov. Vova received word from his mom that his dad was very sick. Please pray for his father to be open to Jesus Christ, and that the Lord would touch his physical body. That God would use Vova as he spends time with his Mom. I talked to Geno the other night, he sends his greetings to all, Geno has been rapidly learning the Hebrew language, Geno no doubt will one day be a fluent speaker as he has a gift for foreign language. Also Geno has been having a difficult time with having his Sunday service in the common hall. He has been some what persecuted for their gathering and look upon as a sect but the Lord has His hand on the situation. Geno told me that one of the administrators of the prison came to talk to him. They had heard Geno plays the guitar, and they wanted him to represent their prison among many others in the prison system because they are going to have a talent show competition between the prisons. Geno told them that he would be happy to represent them but first they needed to resolve the issue of the time for their Sunday meeting time. which the administration is now willing to do. God is good!
Today here in Russia we celebrated National Woman’s Day. It is one of the most popular holidays and obviously pays tribute to all
women. Every where you looked today on the streets and in the Metro women carried colorful flowers always in odd number: 1, 3, 7, 9, and so on. It is considered bad luck to give an even number of flowers. I only made the mistake once!
Tomorrow we are going away for a 24-hour prayer retreat. We will be going outside of Moscow where we usually have our 3 day prayer retreat. However this time we will not visit the cafeteria, and will do our best to fast during our 24-hour prayer time. We felt that at this most interesting time the Lord has our church it would be a great time to seek Him together. God Bless, dean
Dear friends, you’ve probably noticed that our blogsite is experiencing some changes. Please, note that we have a little media player on the sidebar, so you can listen to the worship songs in Russian while reading our news. However, for some unknown to me reason a few songs were saved in double speed, which sounds pretty funny :-), but I was not able to fix this problem yet. I will try to do it ASAP. You can also download our worship songs in the MP3 format (normal speed :-) if you follow this link. I am also going to put a permanent link for CCSokol Worship on the sidebar. I hope you’ll enjoy it. God bless you! Natasha
The feast of Purim also known by Jews around the world as the Feast of Esther, holds a dear place among the Jewish feasts. In short summary it is the Bible account of the deliverance of the nation of Israel from extinction. God for such a time in the life of Israel chose
Esther, a Jewish woman, whom God placed in the court of a pagan king of Persia. Esther by God’s divine providence became Queen so that God at a time when a wicked man by the name of Haman who served in a high level of the king and sought to exterminate every man woman and child of Jewish descent, would use her for His purposes. The Bible records that Haman’s plan turned against him and he was hung on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai, the uncle of Queen Esther. And so the feast of Purim, where the story of Esther is read from the Bible and every time the name Haman is mentioned children shout, stomp their feet, and twirl noise makers to drowned out the mention of his name. During this most festive of Jewish feasts, children dress up in costume as characters of the book of Esther. A special pastrie is served called(ha-man-tash-en) which means Haman’s ears.
Natasha, Vova and myself yesterday were invited to the celebration of the feast of Purim with the Jews for Jesus. Jews for Jesus celibate every Jewish feast and they use the opportunity to reveal Jesus in every feast to Jews in the community that have not received Jesus. Jesus is found in the middle of every Jewish feast, and the Jews for Jesus here in Moscow have seen the great fruit of Jews receiving their true Messiah. It is said that 1 out of 5 Jews speak Russian. Please pray for Mira, and the team of Jews for Jesus her in Moscow.
The doctors removed a cyst from his lung on Monday and he is recovering well and awaits a much needed hip replacement he has been in the hospital for almost 4 months now. Please pray for Sasha the young man that is next to Tom in the hospital. Sasha is an orphan and is suffering from the effects of Tuberculosis that has infected his spine. We have had the opportunity to tell him about Jesus. Apart from Christ Sasha is in a very desperate place. Please remember him in your prayers.
Thank you for praying for Daniel. Here he is home from the hospital with Mom and Dad and baby sister Masha. Daniel was not able to keep food down for more than a week and was on drips. The doctors never found out what was wrong but what ever the problem was it is gone. Continue to pray for Yuri and Valya as they parent Daniel and Masha.