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Friday, March 02, 2007

The feast of Purim.

The feast of Purim also known by Jews around the world as the Feast of Esther, holds a dear place among the Jewish feasts. In short summary it is the Bible account of the deliverance of the nation of Israel from extinction. God for such a time in the life of Israel chose Esther, a Jewish woman, whom God placed in the court of a pagan king of Persia. Esther by God’s divine providence became Queen so that God at a time when a wicked man by the name of Haman who served in a high level of the king and sought to exterminate every man woman and child of Jewish descent, would use her for His purposes. The Bible records that Haman’s plan turned against him and he was hung on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai, the uncle of Queen Esther. And so the feast of Purim, where the story of Esther is read from the Bible and every time the name Haman is mentioned children shout, stomp their feet, and twirl noise makers to drowned out the mention of his name. During this most festive of Jewish feasts, children dress up in costume as characters of the book of Esther. A special pastrie is served called(ha-man-tash-en) which means Haman’s ears.
Natasha, Vova and myself yesterday were invited to the celebration of the feast of Purim with the Jews for Jesus. Jews for Jesus celibate every Jewish feast and they use the opportunity to reveal Jesus in every feast to Jews in the community that have not received Jesus. Jesus is found in the middle of every Jewish feast, and the Jews for Jesus here in
Moscow have seen the great fruit of Jews receiving their true Messiah. It is said that 1 out of 5 Jews speak Russian. Please pray for Mira, and the team of Jews for Jesus her in Moscow.

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