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(April 24th, 2013)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Outreach update

Hello dear friends and family, here is a little Krasnogorsk outreach update. The concerts went very well and the Lord brought more people each evening. All who came had an opportunity not only to listen to contemporary christian music, but also to hear the Gospel message and Testimonies from Alex, Shannon (Sorrow Underfoot), Dean and Chris. During the time of fellowship, I translated a little for Shannon and Eric (he is an intern at the cccpm dorm) and I would like to ask you to pray for a few people: firstly, for Gosha, who had pretty tough questions for Shannon, but there is only one answer for him - Jesus. Gosha shared that his girlfriend left him to be with one of his good friends and that of course hurt him deeply. He was very depressed trying to ease the pain by drinking and using narcotics. He said that in the moment of greatest despair he cried out to God for help and asked Him that his girlfriend would come back. He wants to get out of this trap, which drives him down to distraction, but he does not have strength to do that and as he goes out to the streets, his “friends” offer him narcotics free and it is too big of a temptation for him. Shannon gave Gosha the Gospel of John, but he said that he does not like to read. We quoted John 3:16 for him, but he did not seem to get it, then we just put his name in it to make it more personal and Gosha promised Shannon that he will try his best to read it. So, please pray for Gosha at this difficult point of his life, that he would entrust his life to the Lord’s hands and become free from his addiction and pain.
Another person that we had an opportunity to talk to was a young girl Olya. She came up to Shannon and said that she is using drugs. I did not know that, but Krasnogorsk is a town with the most drug use in Moscow region. As the conversation went on Olya shared that she believes that Jesus is at each person’s heart. Shannon explained to her that person needs first to invite Jesus into his heart to be Lord and Savior and she asked Olya if she ever done that. Olya gave a positive answer to that, but honestly admitted that she wants Him to be her Savior, but does not really want Jesus to be her Lord. She was afraid to lose her identity and personality. What an incredible lie that satan puts in people’s minds. Olya realizes that she is not free, but still tries to think that she is. Finally, she asked if she receives Jesus as her Lord and Savior would He heal her from addiction. I told her the truth that sometimes it happens, but sometimes person needs to go to a rehab center. I do pray that the Lord would heal Olya and that she would experience Lord’s love and grace through that.
Just one last story about Sasha, who came up to Eric after the concert to get a CD. Sasha was so extremely shy that he could not speak a word. After a while, he said that he wanted Eric to write something for him, and when he saw that Eric wrote his name and “Jesus loves you” in Russian, he became very excited and open. Later I saw him talking to other people too and he did not look as shy anymore. I think some change really took place in his heart that evening when he saw God’s love extended to him in such a simple way as a few words written in Russian by an American missionary. Please pray for Sasha too, he might have the same problem with drugs as many other young people in Krasnogorsk.
I know that the next day (July 11th) the team went back to Krasnogorsk to fellowship more, they had a great time and many people came to meet the them.
Thank you for praying with us and taking interest in ministry here. Blessings, Natasha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will pray for these concerts and for the band that they would have many divine appointments. Went to their website and it looks like these girls just want to have fun! :) Loved their logo with the pink converse shoe. :) Will be praying that God uses these willing hearts as they seek to worship and praise Him. Thanks for sharing the video and pics.