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(April 24th, 2013)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Tonia’s Birthday

Today we met for our youth Bible study. As always, it was rather spontaneous and as before, at our favorite place ..... you know ..... IKEA :-). I was expecting Dima and Egor to come, but they did
not. Instead, Nika came and it was a pleasant surprise for me, Sveta and Tonia (Egor’s little sister) came as well plus Olga and I, so we had a girls’ day :-). I already had planned what to talk about, but when I found out that Nika is going to be with us I tried to think of something else since she is older than the other girls are. Anyway, my mind just would not go anywhere and I decided to stay with what I had. We began to talk about the last hours before Jesus’ crucifixion. First, about the last supper and what was the meaning of it, then the prayer in Gethsemane. At some point, I paused, because for some reason it was very hard to find words and I felt like I am completely unprepared for this study, which was more like a conversation where I was asking questions and Sveta and sometimes Nika were answering. Tonia looked like she was a little puzzled.
I looked at Olga and she asked the girls, “How do we know that we are saved and will be with Jesus?” Sveta explained, but Tonia could not answer. Besides they were not quite sure what sin is.
So, I began to explain what is sin and how it came to this world starting from the garden of Eden. Again, I was not sure, if I was making much sense and if Tonia understands everything. It may sound funny, but the things I have known for years did not come out off my mouth easily.
All of a sudden, Tonia lifted her hand up and said, “I have two questions. How to get rid of my sin and what do I need to do for that?” …I could hardly believe my ears. Little Tonia who is just 9 years old with a seriousness of an adult asking the most important questions one can ask. Oh, Lord, thank You so much!!!
Tonia invited Jesus to come in to her heart and she became born again today. Praise the Lord for this wonderful blessing and for His gift that we can share with others.
Please, continue to pray for our youths’ spiritual growth and also for Tonia-our newborn baby in the Lord :-)
P.S.Pictures and video(just click here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tonia! The greatest birthday gift you will ever receive. Don't let a day pass without reading God's word so you can experience knowing Him intimatly all the days of your life. Angels celebrated in Heaven at the very moment you believed.

God's blessing upon you!

Love, Lynn Pritchett