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Dear friends and family in Christ! After long, but fruitful contemplations we came to conclusion that church in
"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:20
Posted by
CC Sokol
4:53 PM
Posted by
CC Sokol
9:05 PM
Posted by
CC Sokol
2:06 AM
Posted by
CC Sokol
12:20 AM
Today is the 9th of May, and this day is celebrated all over
Posted by
CC Sokol
11:31 PM
Era (in the center): I have met her at Igor Barbanel’s Bible studies, then he moved to
Anna (on the left): she prayed with me a little over year ago at sortie, along with her friend Ida. This is the person, who discovered God through grief: in the instant, she lost her husband, her daughter and her granddaughter in a car accident. She did not want to live. Only God’s love can purify such suffering heart! (You would never guess that she went trough such a tragedy. Even though she is a Second World War veteran, she shows such love and excitement about life, that you might completely forget about her age and her past, because she can outclass any, even much younger person in her being joyful and enthusiastic about things. I guess this is why people call her Anechka.)
Marat (Mordecai) – is a man, whom God Himself added to this company. His first contact he gave at 2000-year campaign, and about two years ago, he gave it to me the second time. Occasionally he would come to the Shabbat and Maxim Ammosov was visiting him. He has serious eyesight problems and Anya (they have become friends) helped him to find a doctor, who agreed to do a surgery, but the results will be evident only in two and a half months. After that everything was sheer “coincidences”: he is sitting at the Shabbat almost completely blind and I am talking about third Messianic miracle “Healing of a man who was born blind”, then I prepare Polina and Anna for the water baptism, and he is sitting right there and listening very attentively. It occurred that the Lord touched his heart and he realized that only the Lord is able to help him in his infirmity. “I also want to be baptized, openly testifying about my faith!” Now nothing could be on the way of this decision. (I thought it interesting that Marat first began to think about the Lord when he was growing up, knowing that his mom is praying for her husband, who was in World War battles and watching her helping people who were in greater need than her family. When he grew up and got his education, he began to work in construction industry where he discovered people with beliefs completely opposite to what the political system imposed in those days. It drew his attention then and now being retired and having a lot of time on his hands to ponder, he came to realization that God has been at work in his life and already done many things that expressed His love and care for him and for his family. As Dean was talking to Marat, he was very quiet, but at the same time it seemed like he was drinking in every word that was said. After all he said, “Now I know and even sure that I am doing the right thing”.) Pastor Dean (“Calvary Chapel”) was the one who baptized, he indeed became our pastor and together we thanked and praised the Lord!
P.S. Now you can pray for these incredible people. Please pray for Mira’s ministry to the Jews here in Moscow and the upcoming outreach on the May 9th – along with other volunteers she goes to the “Poklonnaia Gora” to pass tracts to people, which come to celebrate one of the biggest days in Russia – Victory day. Usually there are a lot of people and many opportunities to talk about the Lord. Also, for Mira’s upcoming trip to
Please pray for Polina, Era, Anna and Marat – their growth in the Lord and understanding of His will for their lives. For Marat’s healing – that the Lord would restore his eyesight. Also, for his sister’s and son’s salvation,(both of them live in one apartment with Marat), that the Lord would open his sister’s heart to the truth. Thank you for your prayers! Natasha
Posted by
CC Sokol
12:50 AM