Our current address: not yet available
(April 24th, 2013)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hello everyone today Natasha (the sound woman ) and I went hour and a half out of Moscow to visit a Baptist conference center. It is the same conference camp where we had the CC Russian men’s conference. We wanted to look over the place as we are making arrangements for our first prayer retreat. Please pray for the upcoming retreat on June 11-13. While we were waiting to look around at the facility, the guard asked me if I wanted some juice, and I was thirsty and said yes. I was a little surprised when he grabbed a cup from his guard house and told me to follow him into the beautiful surrounding forest. Little did I know I was going to get my first taste of birch tree sap (juice). As I followed Alex over to a birch tree (See Picture) just like in the cartoons the tree had a drain coming out dripping one drip at a time. Well Alex insisted that I fill the cup up after I cautiously poured enough for one gulp. The birch tree sap is clear, and tastes very much like plain water with a bit of a sweet taste. It is supposed to be very healthy, and after 6 ½ years living in Russia I no longer giggle under my breath when I hear of one of 100’s of home remedies they have, I'm a believer!!!!

I have a most interesting story to tell about our special guests from Israel Steve and Kerstin Schneider. Steve is a Messianic Jew and he contacted us though our CC Sokol web site with the desire to come to Russia to minister in praise through music, (Steve is a professional piano player) and to share their testimony. I will write more about their visit here with us and the different opportunities that the Lord is opening up for them as they will be in Moscow for 3 week. Please pray for their Ministry. You also can read about Steve and Kerstin on their web site: http://www.stevekerstin.com/ Steve will be doing the Wednesday night service, and on Sunday Steve will be doing our men’s fellowship, and Kerstin will be doing the ladies fellowship.

Well good night and God Bless you and thank you for taking an interest in the work here in Moscow. Thank you that you faithfully pray for us here, it makes all the difference!!! dean

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