Greetings from Moscow, today we as the 5 Calvary Chapels here in Moscow had the opportunity to visit the rehabilitation center for people who have disabilities, physical, and mental or have had limbs removed. I believe all are homeless.
Natasha also will be commenting on today’s out reach and give you more of a picture of what took place. Kostia, the pastor at Calvary Chapel 1905 was invited by the administration to come and show the
Jesus Film. It was a great success, and to see most of the people stay through the 2 hour movie that was amazing. They all gladly received Bibles at the end of the movie. Many from the team went room to room sharing the gospel and making friends. One man who I had the opportunity to talk with (
see the picture) by the name of Voldia, was suffering from the affects of Alcohol poisoning that has left him at 57 barely able to walk, and with a sever speech problem. It was interesting that the Lord would direct me to him. But it was amazing we were able to talk for 2 hours together. As I read
John 14:6 Jesus said to him,
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me, Volodia agreed, that
Jesus was the only way. Even though from a human stand point Volodia’s life is a tragic one, with only a few possessions to his name, suffering from the effects of alcohol, living in a little room with 5 other men, but he is a rich man because he recognizes his need for a Savior. What a great disappointment this life would be for Volodia without the hope of a Savior. Planet earth is not heaven, and Jesus tells us not to be too comfortable with this planet, that we are to keep our minds on Heaven, because that is where
Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. That is where our true home is at. We all witnessed the most tragic situations of 100’s of people today. The suffering that was represented in that building was incredible. But we also witnesses hearts that were not opposed to the gospel, hearts that were not hard, but open. God speaks to man in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke
“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul into a Godless eternity”. Please pray for our return to the center, as the doors remain open. God Bless,dean
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