Almost every Sunday I do the sound and almost every time it is an experience. The Lord has really blessed us with the equipment we have: I love our Mackie soundboard; it is very nice & friendly:-) (I am a soundwoman, ok.). We also have a good, heavy amplifier and fender speakers, which probably will not go for a rock concert, but work well for worship. Besides we have a just beautiful :-) snake, I do not like snakes, but this one is beautiful…however we are not able to use it at this point. So, because of that our set up probably :-) is not very professional, but…it is ok. I can tell: there is more to the sound making at church than just being professional. Many times, I could testify that either my or one of the team members irritation caused interference which was hard to get rid of. Or sometimes our speakers produce “through the pillow” sound, maybe there is a technical term for this, but I do not know it :-).
Or a few times our system just would not work, even though all the cords and wires seemed to be at their right places and all the switches were on. So, when things like that happen and it is time to begin the service, and the worship team is getting frustrated, because the sound check did not go well and I am not being of any help, and speakers make “woofing” sounds, what I am, as a soundwoman, ought to do??? Well, it maybe will not appear professional for some sound guys, but what I do in this kind of moments just …pray. Believe it or not, but even when everything sounded the worst, after even the shortest prayer, like: “Lord, HELP!!!”, I can hear a huge difference. So, as a soundwoman, I decided that I will just let our greatest SOUNDMAKER to do the sound :-), I think it is logical: He is the One Who made it.
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